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Shreya Niwahaal Posh
Shreya Niwahaal Posh recalls watching her mother wear silk sarees of various weaves and patterns as a curious child. She was drawn to the worlds of art, textiles, and fashion after being captivated by her mother's sense of style and aura.
26th September 1991
Educational Qualifications
Founding date/year of the brand
How did your career begin?
Art, design, and fashion being her areas of interest, Shreya Niwahaal Posh went on to study Fashion Design. She found a significant disconnect with the process followed by corporate conglomerates after working with them for six years, with the focus being on quick fashion trends and little to no focus on the makers of the clothing or their sustainability.
A Brief introduction about your brand/label?
Born as an ode to mindful and conscious design practice that transcends barriers of time and geography, Zoon Tribe celebrates that which is handmade and woven with stories of the artisans. The true north of the brand points towards the nostalgia of making garments by hand, the meditative rhythm that goes into each stage of this process, and rusticity, something that Zoon captures in the details. “Zoon, according to me, is conscious, delicate, empowering, romantic, and laden with nostalgia. I started the brand to be closer to the process of handmade clothes, of feeling the fabric, its fall, the unique texture, documenting its journey, and the hands it was passed down before being cut into a garment and making it into someone's wardrobe. To me, handcrafted outfits tell stories of their own while also making for a canvas of self-expression. With Zoon, I wish to create a space for those stories to be told and the people behind them to be appreciated.” says the designer.
Highlighted Collections
Dreamscapes: A trans-seasonal collection inspired by a detachment from time and space, an omnipresent timelessness that is there in all our minds and thoughts.
One person living/dead you’d like to dress?
Neha Singh (Co-founder, CORD)
Zoon Tribe Image Gallery